Am I materialistic? Umm..... yeah, but...

I drive a 2007 Pontiac Vibe with 250k miles on it. Still going strong. Looking forward to 300k. Fully depreciated baby!
But, yeah, I like nice things. I just choose to spend my money on my passions: my pups and backpacking. One of the things I really enjoy about cottage equipment makers is that they often send decals along with your order. Of all the equipment decals below, I had to purchase two of them, and two I had to request. The others all came free with the equipment. Any guesses which ones I had to purchase? Which ones I had to request?
Not every item do I purchase new - I am a big supporter of the various Facebook groups for buying and selling. I often "trade up" to get better gear, selling items I bought on FB in order to afford the new shiny. So, yeah, I'm materialistic but I also like to recycle. I get some identity out of these decals. And I like to support cottage manufacturers - both visually and economically.
I wish had a decal....

Keep hiking my friends.