Backpacking lessons for the corporate world

I got asked before my Ouachita Trail trip what I think about while I am hiking. I made some notes as I hiked. Most have obvious analogies for the corporate world.
1) Focus on and celebrate small achievements. Things like the next mile marker, the next nav point, or whatever it is.
2) The sense of accomplishment. See point #1.
3) Personal challenge. Push yourself to see what you can do - you'll never know until you try. This is how you get to points #1 and #2.
4) Backpacking is constant risk assessment and risk planning. And when things occur, constant problem solving. Thinking contingencies through and how to mitigate them should they occur, or what to do if the unexpected occurs.
5) Finding the path when trail sign is faint. It takes experience and attention to detail. It is a skill that can be learned and takes practice. Once you've mastered it, it almost becomes a Zen thing. Can you see the trail in the picture above? To me it's as clear as day.
6) 80% of your concentration must go to what's immediately in front of you lest you trip and fall on your face. 15% of your concentration must go to finding trail sign and following the trail. The remaining 5% must be an awareness of where the trail is going overall so that you can recognize when something's not right. You must constantly scan through these 3 points of view - immediate, medium term, and long term.
7) You must be careful where you place every step. A twisted ankle or blown-out knee is a split-second of distraction away. You can not afford auto pilot.
8) Stay humble. Life is short, so enjoy what you've got in the time you've got.
Keep hiking my friends