Jay Bradley, Salado Texas

Jay Bradley, Salado Texas

Philmont Top 10

 1-Make a conversion chart ml to cup for easy patrol cooking and water purification tablets.

2-Eat the spaghetti first and use tortillas w/ yellow curry and later with Santa Fe Rice to make burritos. (Next level snag white chicken packets at swaps and add gourmet camp chef stuff) (Lime and Vinegar Peanuts…… yuck.)

3-Grids on Philmont map are KMs, that’s a click. 1 click = 1000m, a mile is a tad more than 1600m. (Break it down to laps around track 400m to help kids struggling…… we have 7 laps left.)

4-One adult w/ AT&T download GIA as backup verification AND let the Scouts navigate and learn dead recooking only stepping in with GIA as a last call.

5-It’s their trek, but sometimes you instill purpose and motivation. Don’t let scouts just rush to the next campsite and miss out on great programs.

6-Do Nalgene, bladders carried or on outside break when scouts are careless. (Carry a few extra bags to sub when they pop.) Temu has cheap ones that were more durable than knock off camelbacks.

7- Hike early. It is cooler and you can get ahead of storms. (Storms in July happen in waves)

8-Do not freak out if Scouts tangle the bear bag rope, just get replacement at next camp. Don’t steal another crew's bear rope. You guys who did that to us know who you are. NOT COOL.

9- Do campfires when able, always put them out cold. Great opportunity for roses, thorns and buds around a fire while eating. Devotions as well.

10- Trek on. Don’t sweat all the “what ifs.” Just have fun. Be positive and encourage the Scouts to take it all in. This is a formative experience.


Revamp the Grace

“For Food,

For Ramen,

For friendship and Opportunity,

We thank thee oh Lord.”


Other things:

Talk to the staff at camps/ programs ask about their lives and goals. Tell them thank you. It’s the longest trek/program at Philmont.

Take CSPs or something to hand out to Program staff you think do well.

Dude wipes, IYKYK

The Taco Casa water bags are money. (Knew it.) An extra enos fly comes in clutch - worth the weight. Frog Toggs are junk. Get your Philmont map and mark your trek on the map - color code camps, programs, water, dry, trail vs staff.

Manage your expectations.

Team chair……. IYKYN worth weight in gold.

There should be ZERO cooked breakfasts

Never pass on showers, they may not be operable at next staffed camp.

Encourage journaling.

If you arrive to camp late, don’t fret. Wake early break camp and do program next day then hike quickly to next spot. Get programs in don’t just hike to camp.

Super strenuous folks didn’t make it up Little Castilla (altitude, elevation gain, navigation, distances.)


12-10 Quick Bits

 Day 1- Through Ponil to Flume Canyon: Just get to Flume. You can do Ponil on Day 7.

Day 2- Get to Pueblano. Get on program. Get to ruins and double back for Campfire. (Don’t miss Camp Fire.)

Day 3- Baldy town, learn to sleep on a slope.

Day 4- Summit early and get to French Henry. (No mine tour).

Day 5- Miranda, you won’t get Muzzle Loading - it’s not on 12-10. Just get to Ringtail - it is the BEST campsite / view I have ever seen. You will not make Rendezvous - it is later and too far to go back. NBD the view at Ringtail is awesome. (They need to replace pilot to bomber there.) (Also there is a bear there - follow all bear measures!)

Day 6- Head of Dean was great. Let the Scouts figure it out - it’s a leadership course. It’s a trek to Elkhorn. If weather is solid go up to ridge turn to the West and head on top of that rock formation. “WHAT A VIEW!”

Day 7- Wake early and get to Ponil. Get into Cowboy action, then get campsite set, then conservation followed quickly by Chuck Wagon and Cantina show. Take mess kits and chairs to conservation for Chuck Wagon and Show. After dinner send Scouts to cantina for root beer. Let them be kids and adults wash dishes. Campsites are rough, but it's an experience. Take a shower next morning with packs ready to go.

Day 8- Indian writings, there are no showers. By now you’re tired. Get up Heart Peak before mid-day due to storms. Get down quickly. It’s a stair master in reverse. Get to Indian Writings, then sign up for programs the next day. Set up camp.

Day 9- do the day 8 program from 8-11, then head out and swing past T-Rex print.

Day 10- Indian Writings to T-Rex to House Canyon. T-Rex print will seem too far down canyon. It’s there I assure you. Take the trail that runs on the west side of the stream all the way to the track. Below the track is the bridge, cross and take road to sign that says Anazi then start the stair-master.  Water is further up.

Day 11- Step and quick to the top of House and then down into Chase Canyon. Get to Rock Climbing/ Bouldering early and be prepared to just do it the next morning depending on weather.  It’s warm at the campsites and red roofs are closed. Use cat holes or walk a mile to cowboy cabin up the canyon.