BBNP Shakedown

This past weekend I went on a quick two-nighter with Chris and his daughter to Big Bend NP to see how she liked backpacking with elevation change. This is in preparation for a possible longer trip later this summer. Chris has many more pics and stories to share - I'll leave those to him.
This was the first time I tried out my new DCF tarp for camping. The accompanying bivy did not arrive in time, so I just used a sheet of Tyvek. My hope is the tarp/bivy setup can be my UL warm-weather kit. The tarp, bivy, and stakes together weigh 392 grams, or 0.87 pounds.
Chris brought his awesome new high-quality camera on the trip, so I'm sure he'll post some stunning shots. The pics below were taken on my cell phone.
Weather wise, we saw highs in the 80s, lows in the 50s, with lots of haze. Not sure if there was a fire going somewhere or what. Clearly BBNP had a fire not too long ago. The burnt areas in the pics below are on the South Rim, and they smelled recent.

Keep hiking my friends